Rapid - Attacking - Integrated - Defense

The R A I D Combat System is a dynamic, effective and fully integrated method of self-defense and personal protection that is dedicated to providing real-world survival tools to civilians, law enforcement, executive protection professionals and military operators worldwide.

The R A I D Combat System is not only an effective method of self-defense, but also a path of personal growth that uses self-defense as it's vehicle. Founded in 2005, The R A I D Combat System was not designed to be a "System of Systems". It's also not just a mere assortment of techniques removed from various martial disciplines...Quite the contrary. R A I D is a perfectly structured and defined unity of concepts, principles and techniques that is the direct result of a rigorous and tested introspection.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Self Defense - Keep It Simple

The street fighting situation is an area in which too much information in respect of techniques is detrimental to realistic self protection.

Effective self defense is about awareness (awareness of yourself, your surroundings and the attacker) as much as fighting ability.

Over the years I have practiced several martial arts each with various techniques against all manner of attacks. Many of these defenses were not only bordering on the ridiculous, but in many cases dangerous to the defender. Many schools teach several moves, often with high complexity, against the same attack.

Do we really need 6 to 10 different ways to defend against a punch?

One of my favorite demonstrations - I usually do this at the start of a self defense session - is someone grabs your wrist (can’t ever remember this happening to me in a street encounter).

First, I demonstrate a few of the complex moves taught in most martial arts schools (I speak from experience here!).

Then I demonstrate how all it would take is smashing the attacker in the face with a palm strike or a kick to the shin (or both)...fight over!

In respect of the street, simplicity is best and the well known acronym KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid, applies.

When faced with violence, the average person will experience an adrenaline dump, thus greatly reducing their ability to access fine motor movement control and knowledge of complex moves.

You must rely on simple moves that are easily learned and employed under stress. The only way you can rely on more complex moves is continual training on a strong set of simple, practical moves with strong, practical principles.

I don’t care whether you’re a 30-year veteran of the martial arts, a fight conditioned MMA fighter or just an average guy, when it comes to real self defense keeping it simple will give you the best chance should the need arise to protect yourself.

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